Click here to make your nominations!
Click here to download a spreadsheet of all award categories

1. Please fill in the form provided and list up to 3 nominations for each category with most favourite first. We have provided a spreadsheet you can download to help you decide with your nomination process, however your responses must be submitted through the form.
2. Nominations must have been seen between the period of 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019. Rising Star, Future Legend and NZ Legend award categories are excluded from these dates as they are more about achievement over a longer period.
3. For most cases popular nomination will decide the winner.
4. Where categories are ‘Judges Decision’ it may not be the popular nominee who wins. It will be the judges’ decision and their decision is final. Finalists in these categories will be contacted to submit their achievements for the Judges considerations.
5. No soliciting for nominations. You may “share” the page and ask if your audience feels you are deserving of an award to “feel free” to nominate you. We will be monitoring this!
6. Nominations close 15 March 2020. All finalists will be announced no later than 23 March 2020. Winners will be announced during a live stream of the Golden Garter dinner ceremony during April, and placed on the website no later than 30 April 2020.